
Mouse wheel only zooms
Mouse wheel only zooms

mouse wheel only zooms

Places a waypoint at the location of the mouse click. With the Basic Route page open and GreatArc selected as the Propagator, Repeatedly to define the entire boundary of the Area Target.

mouse wheel only zooms

With the Basic Boundary page open and the Type set to Pattern, placesĪ boundary point at the location of the mouse click. With the Basic Centroid page open, sets the position parameters to the location of the mouse click. With the Basic Position page open, sets the position parameters to the location of the mouse click. Result of Clicking Mouse in 2D Graphics Window You can use your mouse (left button) in the 2D Graphics window to set several object properties that would otherwise require you to enter numerical position data.

mouse wheel only zooms

Mouse Shortcuts Setting Object Properties with the Mouse

Mouse wheel only zooms